Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Kiwanis International HOUSE OF DELEGATES
Saturday, August 17, 2024 Peoria, Illinois
The House of Delegates will begin promptly at 10:30 AM on Saturday. A report on the status of the I-I District, election of 2024-2025 District officers, and proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments will be considered by the certified delegates.
Meet the Candidates & Proposed Amendments
The “Meet the Candidates” breakfast will be held on Saturday morning, August 17th. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear a series of questions proposed by the current district leaders, providing the attendees the opportunity to learn more about each candidate. There will be a forum on Friday afternoon to hear a summary of any proposed bylaw amendments.
As a delegate, you are strongly urged to attend both of these important sessions. Information on the Candidates for District Office, details of the Proposed Amendments, and on Delegate Rules set-out in the I-I District Bylaws are available by clicking on the menu items below under Important Links.
Certification Rules & Instructions
Only one Delegate Certification Form should be completed per club.
Delegate Certification must be completed by either the Club Secretary or the Club President.
Each Kiwanis Club in good standing in the I-I District is entitled to three (3) certified delegates at the district convention.
To be in good standing, a club must be current on all dues and new member fees owed to the I-I District and Kiwanis International.
If a club has no members attending the convention, they can have ONE current or former Lt. Governor from the club’s division represent and vote on behalf of the club at the House of Delegates. They still must complete the form for this to happen.
Delegate Responsibilities
Each Kiwanis Club in Good Standing is allowed up to three voting delegates at the District convention. For clubs who will have NO members present at the convention, the club may select ONE current or past lt. Governor from their division to represent the club as a Delegate. Any current or Past Lt. Governor may represent no more than ONE Kiwanis club.
The duties of the delegates at convention are of utmost importance and include:
1. Study the qualifications of candidates for district office as presented on the I-I District website and published in the convention program. 2. Promptly attend the “Meet the Candidates” breakfast on Saturday to meet and learn more about the candidates for district office. All candidates will be asked to answer questions proposed by the Elections Committee. 3. Promptly attend the House of Delegates on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. 4. Vote according to their best judgment and in the best interest of the club the are representing on the issues presented. 5. Utilize every opportunity to gather information to take back to their club for inspiration, motivation, and new ideas for service, membership growth and FUN! 6. Present a complete convention report to the club upon return from convention.
Per Article XX, Section 1 of the I-I District Bylaws, bylaw amendments may be submitted by any club in good standing or by the District Board of Trustees and must be received by the District Executive Director at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the District Convention.
Bylaw Amendments to Date: Strikeouts are proposed for deletion Underline are proposed for addition
District Convention
106th Kiwanis I-I District Convention
August 16-17, 2024
Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino, Peoria, IL
Registration — Closes August 5th!
Registration Fee $75 per member, $125 couple
Hotel Information — Kiwanis Block expires August 4th!
Delegate Registration, Candidates, Proposed Bylaw Amendments (Closed, see below)
Service Project Information — Comfort Blankets for Kids
Weekend Agenda
District Convention 2024 – In Remembrance
Video PDF
Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Kiwanis International
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Peoria, Illinois
The House of Delegates will begin promptly at 10:30 AM on Saturday. A report on the status of the I-I District, election of 2024-2025 District officers, and proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments will be considered by the certified delegates.
Meet the Candidates & Proposed Amendments
The “Meet the Candidates” breakfast will be held on Saturday morning, August 17th. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear a series of questions proposed by the current district leaders, providing the attendees the opportunity to learn more about each candidate. There will be a forum on Friday afternoon to hear a summary of any proposed bylaw amendments.
As a delegate, you are strongly urged to attend both of these important sessions. Information on the Candidates for District Office, details of the Proposed Amendments, and on Delegate Rules set-out in the I-I District Bylaws are available by clicking on the menu items below under Important Links.
Certification Rules & Instructions
Delegate Responsibilities
Each Kiwanis Club in Good Standing is allowed up to three voting delegates at the District convention. For clubs who will have NO members present at the convention, the club may select ONE current or past lt. Governor from their division to represent the club as a Delegate. Any current or Past Lt. Governor may represent no more than ONE Kiwanis club.
The duties of the delegates at convention are of utmost importance and include:
1. Study the qualifications of candidates for district office as presented on the I-I District website and published in the convention program.
2. Promptly attend the “Meet the Candidates” breakfast on Saturday to meet and learn more about the candidates for district office. All candidates will be asked to answer questions proposed by the Elections Committee.
3. Promptly attend the House of Delegates on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM.
4. Vote according to their best judgment and in the best interest of the club the are representing on the issues presented.
5. Utilize every opportunity to gather information to take back to their club for inspiration, motivation, and new ideas for service, membership growth and FUN!
6. Present a complete convention report to the club upon return from convention.
Important Links
Standing House Rules
How to Become a Candidate
District Bylaws
District Policy Statement
Candidates for District Office
Please click on the office listed below for candidate biography
2024-2025 District Governor
Kim Groom, Kiwanis Club of Aurora
2024-2025 District Governor-Elect
Mary Zeronas, Kiwanis Club of Crestwood-Oak Forest Area
Proposed Bylaws
2024 Amendments
Per Article XX, Section 1 of the I-I District Bylaws, bylaw amendments may be submitted by any club in good standing or by the District Board of Trustees and must be received by the District Executive Director at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the District Convention.
Bylaw Amendments to Date:
Strikeouts are proposed for deletion
Underline are proposed for additionBylaws Amendment Proposals
Upcoming Events
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
Kiwanis Conversations with Governor Kim
Meeting ID: 850 7850 0472
Passcode: 872482
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
I-I CKI Winter Social
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
I-I Key Club District Convention and Leadership Conference
I-I Key Club District Convention and Leadership Conference
I-I Kiwanis Midyear Board Meeting
I-I CKI District Convention
Kiwanis Conversations with Governor Kim
Meeting ID: 850 7850 0472
Passcode: 872482
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Kiwanis Conversations with Governor Kim
Meeting ID: 850 7850 0472
Passcode: 872482
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
District Office Closed (Holiday)
Kiwanis Conversations with Governor KIm
Meeting ID: 850 7850 0472
Passcode: 872482
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Kiwanis Conversations with Governor Kim
Meeting ID: 850 7850 0472
Passcode: 872482
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
Club Monthly Report Due (Club Secretaries)
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